Alpine Valley Rille
Alpine Valley Rille: Is this the "Horsehead Nebula" for visual Lunar observers? Maybe. the 700 meter (?) wide (or narrower) rille that runs across the floor of the Alpine Valley (Vallis Alpes) is tough visually. However, the Horsehead, B33, is easy for deep sky imagers while the Rille is almost as tough for imagers as it is for visual observers (if not tougher). I was happy to get a picture that shows it--if barely. One of these days I'll get back to it with a larger scope and the webcamming skills I've begun to accumulate in the three years since I took this picture.
Image Details: Celestron C8, SAC 7B webcam. Camera control with K3CCD Tools, and processing with Registax 2 and Photoshop.
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