Hickson 9 (Cetus)

9, Compact Galaxy Cluster
Image Details:
- Scope: Celestron Nexstar
- Mount: Above
- Camera: Adirondack Video
Astronomy Stellacam II.
- Configuration: f/3.3 focal
reducer, visual back .
- Guiding: None.
- Location: Deep South Regional
Star Gaze, Camp Ruth Lee
- Date: 9 November 2007.
- Post Processing: Registax 4,
Adobe Photoshop.
- Procedures: Video recorded to
DVD, captured to .avi with a frame grabber and K3CCD Tools, stacked with
Registax 3, and processed with Photoshop.
We're talking DIM, boys and
girls. The Old Horse is outlined by the nebula IC434, which glows in the red,
red light of hydrogen b
Constellation =
Cetus, Brightest Member = None with Common Catalog Designation, Group Magnitude
= 14.9
to Uncle Rod's DSI/CCD Page