Welcome to the Home Page of Your Old Uncle Rod!
Come on in and set a spell. Put your feet up.
Let me get you a glass of that wonderful concoction we here at Chaos
Manor South love so well, REBEL YELL! We're here to talk
everything there is to talk about astronomy. And especially to
introduce you to SCT
User, the
worldwide mailing list for users of Schmidt
Cassegrains and other catadioptric telescopes, and The Mobile Astronomical Society, Mobile Alabama's very own
astronomy club.
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SCT User

Click for the SCT-USER
Mailing List Home Page. If you want to subscribe via email, you'll find
a subscription form on the page! That will set you up to receive the
list via mail. If you're more interested on reading posts on the web,
subscribe to sct-user at the Yahoo web page at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sct-user
The Mobile Astronomical Society

...is Mobile, Alabama's
Astronomy Club
Membership is open to anyone with an interest in and a
desire to learn more about astronomy. You need not own a telescope or
other equipment to join us in our explorations of the universe. The MAS
meets the first Thursday of each month at 7:00pm at the Mobile Public
Schools' Environmental Studies Center on Girby Rd. For further
information on the MAS contact the Mobile Astronomical Society, c/o Rod
Mollise RMOLLISE@hotmail.com,
Click HERE for a
Membership Application Form (.pdf)
Click HERE for
a MAP to the ESC!
The MAS holds its meetings the first Thursday of each
month at 7pm at the Mobile Public Schools' Environmental Studies Center
on Girby Road. These meetings normally include both a business meeting
and an informative presentation. Occasionally, we will observe
after a meeting, but we reserve most of that for the MOSPs. See the
scroll at the top of the page for the date of the next meeting.
Members Only Star Parties (MOSPs)
Once a
month we come together for a group observing session. These monthly
dark-of-the-Moon "MOSPs" have in the past been held on the secure and
comfortable grounds of the ESC. Recently, however, we've been using a
dark site in the Tanner-Williams area for our deep sky observing (the
ESC is situated in the midst of heavy light-pollution).
you're a paid member of the MAS, you are welcome to attend
MOSPs. For details, please email Rod at the address above.
Want to keep updated on MAS doings? Join the MAS Yahoogroup!
"Onward Flies the Bird!"

